Sunday, January 8, 2012

HIlton Head Mug Shot 6

This is week 6 of the search for the elusive Hilton Head Gang members.  The Hilton Head Gang is a group of notorious artists who attended Karin Jurick's workshop on Hilton Head Island.  I will feature one member of the group each week until they are all accounted for...

Sherrie “the Kid” Hilliard known as the kid because she specializes in painting children.  She scours beaches and playgrounds looking for innocent little ones to shoot.  Parents be on the lookout for Sherrie, The Kid...she will shoot your kids then immortalize them on canvas...they may even end up in a gallery.  She drove off Hilton Head Island with enough material to keep her busy for months.  She is probably hold up in a secret hideout....painting, painting, painting...

For more information or possible clues to her whereabouts check out Sherrie’s blog:

Still learning how to paint on the gesso board which is slick.  It is a challenge for me,  The faces are also a challenge.  But, if you don't try something new you will always do the same old thing.  So, each week I am learning and growing.  Thanks to Karin Jurick's workshop and the Hilton Head Gang who have stayed in touch and are so encouraging.  Check out all of the mug shots at


  1. Wow, I think this looks great! Love the colors you are using in your skin tones. Nice!

  2. I love the highlights on the cheeks and nose. Really a great job!

  3. Good job, Betsy! This is such a fun project and I feel like I am getting to know everyone just a little better. :-)

  4. You're doing great! Taking on a challenge is a 'win' in itself, and the mug of Sherrie turned out great! You caught her eyes!

  5. Great job, Betsy! I love her eyes. The more you paint on gessobord, the more you will get used to it.

  6. I feel the same way about gesso board. I had not used it until the workshop with Karin. I like your soft edges.
