Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hilton Head Mug 7

We have reached week 7 of the search for the notorious Hilton Head Gang members.  The Hilton Head Gang is a group of elusive artists who attended Karin Jurick's workshop on Hilton Head Island. 
Roxanne “The Streak” Duke is so named because she is stealthy.  She streaks by and shoots at will and disappears before detected by unsuspecting victims.  Roxanne flies under the radar...finding a photo of her was not east...we had to scour the internet, check past files and canvas neighborhoods just to find this one.  We don’t know when the photo was taken...her look may have changed.  scrutinize everyone you see...

Roxanne "The Streak"

As I've said before, these faces are a struggle.  This is a total learning experience for me.  I need to be working on other projects but I find myself looking every week to see the next challenge.  My colors and brush strokes are sometimes off but I just endeaveor to get a likeness,  Learning, learning, learning one step at a time.


  1. Faces ARE hard let alone a portrait but we're all improving our skills with each one we do. This has been a wonderful exercise for so many reasons, including their size! You did a really nice job with Roxanne. Good, accurate face shape, strong eyes, and good color instincts!

  2. Great job, Betsy! I especially like your rendering of her eyes and glasses. Not easy!

  3. Fantastic job, Betsy!! I agree it is a good learning experience with each one. Painting on such a small format isn't easy and then capturing each other. Well done! :-)

  4. I like your choice of colors. Faces are the hardest thing for me. This is good for all of us.
